Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Shoe in the Road

On a day like today and like yesterday too
Marcy Hello saw another lost shoe

It lay there alone without its sole mate
She thought a size ten - perhaps maybe an eight

On the side of the road or the middle sometimes
They're easy to spot, not hard to find
They're everywhere, anywhere all of the time
Shoes of all makes, all sorts and all kinds

She saw one today and yesterday two
She sees them most days
If you look, so will you!

There must be a story
There just has to be
Shoes don't just fly off ones feet to be free

Shoes don't belong on the side of the road
They should be on feet, that's what she'd been told

And then a small voice from in-side her head
piped up and she listened to what the voice said

There must be some meaning to why this is this
There must be some reason for this to exist

Use your noggin
That's what you do best
You must find the meaning
There's no time for rest

Her mind started ticking
A retort must be found
As to why these stray shoes lay alone on the ground

So she asked the one person
She thought might just know
Of course he thinks like me
He's my mate of soul

But as soon as the words left her lips-hit the air
He rolled his eyes 'round and then paused in mid stare

Why do you always think
There has to be more?
It's like what I've told you
And told you before

You dig for something that's nothing at all
You look for meaning in things big and small

You women need answers when there really are none
It's too much to handle
It ruins all the fun

A shoe's just a shoe
There's no story to be told
A shoe's just a shoe on the side of the road

Quit wondering and guessing
Don't analyze so
There's no time for this
I have to go

At first she was hurt that he didn't much care
She started to argue then out of thin air
A notion emerged-she clung to it tight
The shoe did have meaning
She knew she was right

Just because I like him
Well, most of the time
We're nothing alike inside of our minds

A shoe is to foot as a man is to chair
But women all know there's more meaning out there


Anonymous said...

Marcy - this is BEAUTIFUL. I've read it, like, four times. OK if i post it this week?
sugar mama

Anonymous said...

What a HOOT! Dr. Suess would be proud! Incredible wit, as always! I say, :

Men and women very differently think,
That's why they wear blue and we wear pink!
But WE know the females are 100% right
we just don't waste energy making it into a fight!

Thanks for giving me my Tuesday smile. And I think there is probably a story behind EVERY lost shoe!
Love YOU....Aunt Nancy

Anonymous said...

Wow! This is great. My daughter asked if you were a children's book author!You certainly could be. Also read the blog about tricks in the bag and loved it.I still use some tricks in my bag and my daughters are 21 and 18!They pretend they don't know I'm doing it! Best wishes to you and yours!
Joan ( a friend of Aunt Nancy)

Anonymous said...

You are a very clever girl. I am also a friend of Aunt Nancy from high school.

Anonymous said...

Personally I think you should of picked up the shoe and hit Joseph in the head with it. Then you could of wrote a new blog about how a "Sucker Punch" is sometimes appropriate. It worked for me when we were younger!
Love ya,

Uberchik said...

Extremely engaging!

May I have another?!


Moose Coming May 27th!!