Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Mom Logic

The term 'Networking' is so, well, so office-y. I shudder to think of the forced pleasantries and impersonal conversations it connotes. And yet, there are those rare occasions when you bridge the gap. Hit paydirt. Make a real connection. It becomes personal, not business and you end up in a relationship that has less to do with work and everything to do with play.

Meet my new friend http://momlogic.com/ . It's THE PLACE to get the latest on all things parenting, celebrity news, fashion and more. And I'm excited to be part of it. Hello It's Tuesday is now officially affiliated with Mom Logic, a division of Warner Bros.... Hello, Hollywood!

It's like being invited to a sleepover at the popular girl's house, and finding out that you really do like each other!


Anonymous said...

welcome to the family, sister. woohoo!
sugar mama

Anonymous said...

Congratulations to YOU AND to Mom Logics for the great hook-up! Blooming Boomer

Uberchik said...

They are lucky to have you! and thanks for pointing me in their direction. I love, love, love their site.


Anonymous said...

Welcome! We're so happy to have you aboard! Keep up the great-blogging-work! xo Sabrina

Moose Coming May 27th!!