Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Elvis and Eggs

It's the awesome responsibility of every God fearing, parent on the face of this earth to indoctrinate their children in the music of past generations. Because, all too soon the children will be making song selection on their own and will be overcome with an uncontrollable eye-roll and what looks to be the infliction of physical pain when exposed to your music. So while you still have some control over matters, go ahead and sing at the top of your lungs to Nu Shooz while they are strapped in their carseats, expose them to Bon Jovi in his big hair days, and Stop the World and Melt with them while you dance in your living room to the decade of your choice channel on the television. These are important years, formative years, and your influence will have everything to do with their musical prowess as adults.

My musical education started at an early age. A white plastic record player and Elvis's Greatest Hits LP laid the foundation for all things danceable in the future. And I, to this day, know the words to almost every classic country song on the radio, thanks to the eight hour road trip to Colorado each spring break. The ipod, about as likely as people living on the moon or an electric car! Names like Conway, Buck and Loretta did not even seem ridiculous to me yet. And I still associate station wagons with Charlie Pride to this very day.

So this past Mother's Day, I did my duty and exposed my own children to the King of Rock n Roll. It was an Elvis impersonator, hired to swoon the Mother's Day brunch crowd at a local restaurant. My kids were in awe of him. It's too early to tell, but I'm sure they will have an uncontrollable urge to eat eggs each time they hear Hunka Hunka Burnin' Love.

Teach, your children well.


Anonymous said...

excellent advice, marcy. it's long live the eighties at my house. xoxo sugar mama

Anonymous said...

when our son was a baby, the only lullaby i ever sang to him was 'the star spangled banner' cause it was the only thing i could remember all the words to!
i don't own any kids music and so we listen to whatever i have in the car. one is never too young for some eighties music and the KING, well, that goes without saying :-)

Anonymous said...

I never knew I was suppose to have the kids listen to MY music! I loved those drives from Texas to Colorado, but got pretty tired of all the Raffi songs! Remember "Down By The Bay....Where the Watermelon Grows"????? Aunt Mary

Anonymous said...

Tooooo clever.....as always! But where did I go wrong! I should have indoctrinated you with The Beatles and The Beach Boys! xoxo Blooming Boomer

Uberchik said...

Why, it appears that the two of you were having a "moment".

Anonymous said...

HELLO??? it's tuesday. where are you?
sugar mama

Moose Coming May 27th!!